
Discover the municipality of Apollosa

The town of Apollosa is located at 12 km of Benevento and is located at an altitude of 430 meters.

The town of Apollosa is located on the eastern side of Mount Taburno, along the route of the Appian Way.
According to some experts, the original form of the name was ‘La pelosa’, ‘Lapillosa’, ‘Pellosa’, ‘Pelusia’, ‘Lapelusa’, ‘Apellosa’ and finally ‘Apollosa’.

From documents dating back to 1333, it appears that it was destroyed in a clash between Count Rainulfo of Avellino and Roger the Norman. The land then passed into the hands of the feudal lords of d’Aquino, Frangipane and finally donated to the Angevins.

It then passed to the Della Leonessa family and finally to the Caracciolo family. After the Unification of Italy, it was incorporated into the province of Benevento.
People remember it in history because in 1439, near the village, a battle took place between Renato d’Angiò and Alfonso D’Aragona, and this battle led to several robberies and fires in the village.

Today the population of Apollosa is around 2,600 inhabitants and produces: olives, grapes, grain, legumes, fodder, fruit, timber.

How to get to Apollosa ?

From Pescara: take the A14 motorway, exit Termoli and continue in the direction of Boiano – Benevento. Then take the State Road 7 Appia (direction Montesarchio – Caserta) and continue in direction of Apollosa.

From Rome: take the A1 motorway, exit at Caianello and continue in the direction of Benevento. Then take the SS 7 Appia (direction Montesarchio – Caserta) and continue in direction of Apollosa.

From Naples – Caserta: take the A1 motorway, exit Caserta Sud – Maddaloni. Then follow the state road 7 Appia (direction Montesarchio – Benevento) and continue in direction of Apollosa.

From Salerno – Avellino: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Then take the State Road 7 Appia (direction Montesarchio – Caserta) and continue in the direction of Apollosa.

From Bari: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Next, follow the Strada Statale 7 Appia (direction Montesarchio – Caserta) and continue in the direction of Apollosa.


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