
Discover the municipality of Campolattaro

The town of Campolattaro is located at 22 km of Benevento and is located at an altitude of 430 meters.

The name Campolattaro may derive from the terms ‘campus’ and ‘Gactarius’ (a Frankish proper name, whose root ‘gat’ means forest). The town may have been named by Guido IV of Spoleto at the time of the conquest of the Duchy of Benevento.

The first historical references and the beginnings of the construction of the castle date back to the 12th – 13th century, the Norman period.
In 1138, the people rebelled against the established order and, as punishment, the king ordered the town to be burnt down.

In 1350, the town was integrated into the town of Benevento. It was the family of Michele Blanch, Marquis of San Giovanni, who owned the territory until the abolition of the feudal system.

The town of Campolattaro was significantly affected by the plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1837.
The town became part of the province of Benevento after the unification of Italy.

Today, the population of Campolattaro is around 1,000 inhabitants.

How to get to Campolattaro ?

From Pescara: take the A14 motorway, exit Termoli and continue in direction of Boiano – Benevento. Then take Campobasso’s direction (SS 88) and exit at Campolattaro.

From Rome: take the A1 motorway, exit Caianello and continue in direction of Benevento. Then take the SS 88 towards Campobasso and exit Campolattaro.

From Naples – Caserta: take the A1 motorway and exit Caserta Sud-Maddaloni. Then follow SS 7 Appia road (direction Montesarchio – Benevento). Once past Benevento, take direction Campobasso (SS 88) and exit Campolattaro.

From Salerno – Avellino: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Take the Benevento’s exit. Drive along the motorway junction, pass Benevento, take direction Campobasso (SS 88) and exit at Campolattaro.

From Bari: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Take the Benevento’s exit. Follow the motorway junction, pass Benevento, take the direction for Campobasso (SS 88) and exit at Campolattaro.


What do to in Campolattaro

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