
Discover the municipality of Cautano

The town of Cautano is located at 22 km of Benevento and is located at an altitude of 385 meters.

The town of Cautano is located on the slopes of Mount Taburno-Camposauro, rich in vineyards and olive groves, the territory is crossed by the Jenga and Jerino streams.

Its historical origin can be traced back to the early Middle Ages. Under the Angevins it passed to Roberto di Ravello; later it belonged to the Della Ratta, the Carafa, and finally to the D’Avalos of Aragon, until the abolition of the feudal system.
With the unification of Italy, it became part of the province of Benevento.

Today, the population is approximately 2000 inhabitants.
The symbol of Cautano has an octagonal shape, with a red horizontal band, three stars and an inscription CCAV (acronym for Cacciano-Cautano province of Avellino).

Local production consisted mainly of farming and livestock breeding. Vitulano’s marble quarrying industry was flourishing; activity was considerably reduced during the last decade.

How to get to Cautano ?

From Pescara: take the A14 motorway, exit Termoli. Continue towards Boiano – Benevento – Strada Provinciale Vitulanese and follow the direction for Cautano.

From Rome: take the A1 motorway, exit Caianello. Continue to Benevento and exit at Ponte. Then follow the direction of Foglianise-Vitulano-Cautano.

From Naples – Caserta: take the A1 motorway, exit Caserta Sud, Benevento and Montesarchio. Continue on the Vitulanese provincial road in direction of Campoli Monte Taburno and Cautano.

From Salerno – Avellino: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Continue along Strada Provinciale Vitulanese and follow the directions for Cautano.

From Bari: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Continue along Strada Provinciale Vitulanese and follow in direction of Cautano.


What do to in Cautano

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