
Discover the municipality of Montesarchio

The town of Montesarchio is located at 18 km of Benevento and is located at an altitude of 300 meters.

On the slopes of Mount Taburno lies Montesarchio, one of the most densely populated centres in the entire Caudina Valley. In fact, the municipality has around 13400 inhabitants.

According to some scholars, the town originated in the ancient Samnite ‘Caudium’ (from which the name ‘Valle Caudina’ would derive) founded in VIII BC. The town witnessed the famous Battle of the Caudine Forks, a battle in which the Romans were defeated by the Samnites and suffered the punishment of the Caudine Forks.

Numerous archaeological remains such as the Caudium excavations, the thermal baths, the aqueduct and the via Appia connecting Rome and Brindisi date back to Roman times. In fact, Montesarchio was a necessary passage for the trade and operations of Roman troops.

The territory of Montesarchio was a feudal possession from 1278 to 1480 of the Della Leonessa family, of the Carafa family from 1480 to 1528, and finally of the D’Avalos family, who held it until the abandonment of the feudal system in 1806. Later, the municipality integrated into the Principato Ultra and the province of Benevento in 1861.

Montersarchio also suffered major consequences and destruction after the earthquake of 1688. During the rule of Ferdinand II of Bourbon, the castle and tower were used as the national maximum security prison: Michele Pironti, Nicola Nisco and Carlo Poerio were imprisoned there.

Today, the municipality is an important agricultural and industrial centre. In particular, activities such as the processing of tobacco and building materials are carried out by companies in the town. The town is also highly developed from a commercial point of view; there are numerous shops, banks and businesses.

How to get to Montesarchio ?

From Pescara: take the A14 motorway, exit Termoli and continue in direction of Boiano-Benevento. Afterwards, continue on State Road 7 Appia towards Montesarchio – Caserta.

From Rome: take the A1 motorway, exit at Caianello and continue in direction of Benevento. Then, continue on the Strada Statale 7 Appia road in direction of Montesarchio – Caserta.

From Naples – Caserta: take the A1 motorway, exit Caserta Sud-Maddaloni. Thereafter, continue on State Road 7 Appia towards Montesarchio – Benevento.

From Salerno – Avellino: Take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Then continue on the Strada Statale 7 Appia towards Montesarchio – Caserta.

From Bari: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Then continue on the Strada Statale 7 Appia towards Montesarchio – Caserta.


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