
Discover the municipality of Torrecuso

The town of Torrecuso is located at 20 km of Benevento and is located at an altitude of 420 meters.

Torrecuso is an enchanting medieval village of about 3400 inhabitants. It stretches from the banks of the Calore river to the slopes of Mount Pentime. From here you can enjoy the view of the Taburno and the Calore Valley.

Some scholars believe that its origin dates back to around 216 BC; others, however, believe that a settlement was already present in 316 BC, probably founded by some Etruscan refugees from the Tuscan city of Chiusi. It is precisely from this period that the name ‘TurrisClusii’ would derive.

Today’s town looks like a small village with narrow streets surrounding the square on which stands the Palazzo Cito, adapted from an ancient tower; the building was the home of the feudal lords of Torrecuso. Today, it houses the town hall.

The municipality was the feudal domain of the Fenocchio, Della Leonessa, Caracciolo and Cito families.

Local production consists mostly of vine growing; the Aglianico del Taburno is produced here, making the area an important destination for wine and food tourism. In recent decades, the production of other typical vines has been increased and wines such as Falanghina, Coda di volpe and Greco are produced.

How to get to Torrecuso ?

From Pescara: take the A14 motorway, exit Termoli. Continue to Boiano – Benevento, then to Caianello, exit at Ponte and finally follow the signs for Torrecuso.

From Rome: take the A1 motorway, exit Caianello. Pass Benevento, exit at Ponte and finally follow the signs for Torrecuso.

From Naples – Caserta: take the A1 motorway, exit Caserta Sud. Follow in direction of Valle di Maddaloni and Fondovalle Isclero. Continue on the Benevento-Caianello road in direction of Benevento, exit at Ponte and then follow the signs for Torrecuso.

From Salerno – Avellino: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Continue towards Caianello, exit at Ponte and finally follow the signs for Torrecuso.

From Bari: Take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Continue towards Caianello, exit at Ponte and finally follow the signs for Torrecuso.


What do to in Torrecuso

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