Castelvetere in Val Fortore

Discover the municipality of Castelvetere in Val Fortore

The town of Castelvetere in Val Fortore is located at 53 km of Benevento and is located at an altitude of 706 meters.

The town of Castelvetere in Val Fortore is located in the upper Fortore valley.

Certain and documented information on the urban centre of Castelvetere in Val Fortore dates back to the year 1000 in the Norman era, although some archaeological findings indicate that a settlement already existed in Roman times.

The town underwent multiple dominations:

  • The Norman domination, during which the fiefdom was part of the county of Civitate.
  • The Swabian and Angevin domination, during which the fief came under the power of Gimondo de Molisio and Simone de Molisio.
  • The Aragonese domination, during which the fief came under the power of Paolo de Molisio, the Carafa family and then Baron Orsino Scoppa, who initiated the town’s urban expansion and continued under the Moscatelli family.

In the war between the Angevins and the Aragons, the town was sacked by the Aragons because they sided with the Angevins. With the upheaval and the end of the feudal system, Castelvetere became administratively part of Molise and became part of the province of Benevento after the unification of Italy.

Today, the population is around 1100 inhabitants.

How to get to Castelvetere in Val Fortore ?

From Pescara: take the A14 motorway, exit Termoli. Continue in direction Boiano-Benevento, take Strada Statale 212/SS212 until Fragneto Monforte. Continue on Strada Provinciale 36/SP36 and then follow in the direction of Reino. Continue in direction of Colle Sannita and then in direction of Castelvetere in Val Fortore.

From Rome: take the A1 motorway, exit Caianello. Continue towards Benevento, take Strada Statale 212/SS212 until Fragneto Monforte. Continue on Strada Provinciale 36/SP36 and then follow in direction of Reino. Continue in direction of Colle Sannita and then in direction of Castelvetere in Val Fortore.

From Naples – Caserta: take the A1 motorway, exit at Caserta Sud-Maddaloni, then Montesarchio and Benevento. Then follow the directions for Pietrelcina, Pesco Sannita, San Marco dei Cavoti, Foiano Valfortore, S. Bartolomeo in Galdo and Castelvetere in Val Fortore

From Salerno – Avellino: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Go along the entire motorway junction, take Strada Statale 212/SS212 and Fortorina/SS212var to Fragneto Monforte; continue along Strada Provinciale 36/SP36 and then Via Tratturo del Molise towards Reino; continue along Strada Statale 212/SS212 towards Colle Sannita and then towards SP35 to Castelvetere in Val Fortore.

From Bari: take the A16 motorway and exit at Benevento; proceed along the motorway junction, take Strada Statale 212/SS212 until Fragneto Monforte. Continue on Strada Provinciale 36/SP36 and then follow in direction of Reino. Continue in direction of Colle Sannita and then in direction of Castelvetere in Val Fortore.


What do to in Castelvetere in Val Fortore

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