Castelfranco in Miscano

Discover the municipality of Castelfranco in Miscano

The town of Castelfranco in Miscano is located at 43 km of Benevento and is located at an altitude of 760 meters.

The town of Castelfranco in Miscano is located on the border between Sannio, Irpinia and Puglia, and is an almost flat area surrounded by countryside with a large number of crops and farms.

According to some, the name of the town derives from the possession of the castle, in Angevin times, by a Frank.
The addition of ‘in Misciano’ after Castelfranco would refer to the stream, a tributary of the Ufita river.

The town appears for the first time in history in documents from the late 12th century and, in the Aragonese period, the town was of considerable strategic importance.

The last feudal lords of the territory were the Caracciolo, Di Sangro and Mirelli families. Castelfranco in Misciano was part of the Principato Ultra until 1811.
Later, Joachim Murat assigned it to the province of Capitana and it was included in the province of Benevento after the Unification of Italy.

Today, the population is around 800 inhabitants.
The town boasts many agro-livestock farms and the production of cereals and cattle breeding are important. Among the typical products is the caciocavallo di Castelfranco cheese.

How to get to Castelfranco in Miscano ?

From Pescara: take the A14 motorway, exit San Severo. After passing through San Severo, Lucera and Castelluccio Valmaggiore, continue towards Castelfranco in Miscano.

From Rome: take the A1 motorway, exit Caianello and continue in direction Benevento. Continue in direction of Bevento centre and, once through the town, continue towards Paduli. Then follow the signs for Castelfranco in Miscano.

From Naples – Caserta: take the A1 motorway, exit Caserta Sud – Maddaloni and continue in direction of Benevento. Continue in direction of Bevento centro and, once through the town, continue towards Paduli. Then follow the signs for Castelfranco in Miscano.

From Salerno – Avellino: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Then continue towards Castello del Lago, Sant’Arcangelo Trimonte and Castelfranco in Miscano.

From Bari: take the A16 motorway, exit Candela. Then continue towards Candela, Greci and Castelfranco in Miscano.


What do to in Castelfranco in Miscano

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