
Discover the municipality of Foglianise

The town of Foglianise is located at 15 km of Benevento and is located at an altitude of 350 meters.

The town of Foglianise is situated between the rocky walls of Mount Caruso, concomitant with the municipality of Cautano and surrounded by the Taburno mountains and multiple hills, the municipality is crossed by the Jenga stream.

The name Folianise derives from a 3rd century Latin epigraph that was dedicated to the goddess Fortuna Folianensis.

The town had its greatest economic and social development during Roman times and was developed in terms of urban planning during the Lombard domination. In 369, Foglianise was hit by a severe earthquake that destroyed the village and several other Sannio villages.
In 570, after the invasion of the Lombards, the town was integrated into the small village of Tocco and its administrative and feudal destiny was always linked with it. After the unification of Italy in 1861, the town was integrated into the province of Benevento.

Foglianise, like many other municipalities in the vicinity, suffered a demographic decline between the late 19th and early 20th century due to mass emigration.

In the centre of the town is the Church of Santa Maria di Costantinopolis, an ancient hermitage convent of Carmelite priests built on the outskirts of the built-up area and now part of the urban fabric.

Today, the town of Foglianise has about 3200 inhabitants and the local economy consists mostly of: vineyards and olive cultivation and is also an important tourist centre.

The town is also known as the ‘Festa del Grano’, which is celebrated on the occasion of the feast of San Rocco on 16 August. On this date, there is a parade of floats through the streets of the village, recreating the façades of historic and artistic buildings, which are ears of wheat woven by straw craftsmen.

How to get to Foglianise ?

From Pescara: take the A14 motorway, exit Termoli. Continue towards Boiano-Benevento and the Vitulanese provincial road. Finally, follow the signs for Foglianise.

From Rome: take the A1 motorway, exit Caianello. Continue to Benevento, exit at Ponte and follow the direction of Foglianise-Vitulano.

From Naples – Caserta: take the A1 motorway, exit Caserta Sud. Continue on the Strada Statale Appia (Appian Way) towards Benevento. Once in Montesarchio, follow the Strada Provinciale Vitulanese. Finally, follow the signs for Foglianise.

From Salerno – Avellino: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Then continue along Strada Provinciale Vitulanese and finally follow the signs for Foglianise.

From Bari: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Then continue along Strada Provinciale Vitulanese and finally follow the signs for Foglianise.


What do to in Foglianise

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