Fragneto L’Abate

Discover the municipality of Fragneto L'Abate

The town of Fragneto L'Abate is located at 22 km of Benevento and is located at an altitude of 501 meters.

The town is located at the highest point of a hill and currently has about 1,000 inhabitants.

Fragneto L’Abate originated in the early Middle Ages, although some archaeological findings indicate that settlements existed in Roman times.

In Lombard times, the territory was donated by the princes of Benevento to their treasurer Photon. Later, in Norman times, in 1099, the territory was bought by the Count of Ariano (Eribertus) and then donated to the Monastery of Santa Sofia in Benevento. From then on, the village was called ‘Fragneti Abbatis’.

In 1763, Ferdinand IV of Bourbon removed the territory from the power of the Church, first aggregating it to the Royal Court, and then donating it to Cardinal Fabrizio Ruffo.
The Ruffo family remained in possession of the territory until the feudal system was abandoned. After the Unification of Italy, Fragneto L’Abate was incorporated into the province of Benevento.

How to get to Fragneto L'Abate ?

From Pescara: take the A14 motorway, exit Termoli. Follow the direction of Boiano – Benevento and then continue on State Road no. 88. Exit at Fragneto Monforte and follow the signs for Fragneto l’Abate.

From Rome: take the A1 motorway, exit Caianello. Continue to Benevento and before reaching Benevento, follow the signs for Campobasso. Exit at Fragneto Monforte and follow the signs for Fragneto l’Abate.

From Naples – Caserta: take the A1 motorway, exit at Caserta Sud – Maddaloni, then Montesarchio and Benevento. After Benevento, continue in direction of Campobasso and exit at Fragneto Monforte. Finally, follow the signs for Fragneto l’Abate.

From Salerno – Avellino: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Drive along the motorway connection, pass Benevento and take the SS 88 towards Campobasso. Exit at Fragneto Monforte and follow the signs for Fragneto l’Abate.

From Bari: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Drive along the motorway junction, pass Benevento and take the SS 88 towards Campobasso. Exit at Fragneto Monforte and follow the signs for Fragneto l’Abate.


What do to in Fragneto L'Abate

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