Ginestra degli Schiavoni

Discover the municipality of Ginestra degli Schiavoni

The town of Ginestra degli Schiavoni is located at 38 km of Benevento and is located at an altitude of 540 meters.

Ginestra degli Schiavoni is one of the smallest villages in the Benevento area with around 420 inhabitants and located in the Miscano valley, west of the Ginestra stream and east of the Cuparella valley.

During the period of Lombard domination, the village took the name ‘Lombarda Massa’ (meaning the estate of the Lombards) and only after 900, the community moved the centre of the village to the promontory where it stands today.

In 1100, during the period of Norman rule, there was the first reference to the name ‘Ginestra’. The name refers to the Broom plant, which was particularly present in the area.
After the conquest of the Ottomans in the Balkans, several families from Albania came to settle in the village in 1528. At the time, Albania was called ‘Schiavona’ and this is where the municipality gets its name from.

The first feudal lords were the Angevins, followed by the Paganos, the De Sabrans and the Sforzas. Later, the territory came under the control of the Carafa, the Caracciolo in 1579 and the Spina. In 1617, the feud became the property of Marco Ciaburro, the first Spanish baron of the region. The village remained in the possession of the Ciaburro family until the abandonment of the feudal system. In 1811, the municipality was aggregated to Capitanata and after the Unification of Italy, it was incorporated into the province of Benevento.

The economy of the municipality of Ginestra degli Schiavoni consists mainly of agriculture, forestry, wind farms and photovoltaic power plants.

How to get to Ginestra degli Schiavoni ?

From Pescara: take the A14 motorway, exit Termoli and continue in direction of Boiano – Benevento. Continue on State Road 90 bis in direction of Foggia and continue on State Road 126. Exit at Castelfranco in Miscano and follow the signs for Ginestra degli Schiavoni.

From Rome: take the A1 motorway, exit at Caianello and continue in direction of Benevento. Continue on Strada Statale 90 bis in direction of Foggia and continue on Strada Statale 126. Exit at Castelfranco in Miscano and follow the signs for Ginestra degli Schiavoni.

From Naples – Caserta: take the A1 motorway, exit Caserta Sud-Maddaloni, Montesarchio and Benevento. Continue on State Road 90 bis in direction of Foggia and continue on State Road 126. Exit at Castelfranco in Miscano and follow the signs for Ginestra degli Schiavoni.

From Salerno – Avellino: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Go along the entire motorway connection, continue on the Strada Statale 90 bis in direction of Foggia and continue on Strada Statale 126. Exit at Castelfranco in Miscano and follow the signs for Ginestra degli Schiavoni.

From Bari: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Go along the entire motorway connection, continue along Strada Statale 90 bis in direction of Foggia and continue along Strada Statale 126. Exit at Castelfranco in Miscano and follow the signs for Ginestra degli Schiavoni.

What do to in Ginestra degli Schiavoni

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