
Discover the municipality of Pannarano

The town of Pannarano is located at 22 km of Benevento and is located at an altitude of 360 meters.

Pannarano, known as ‘Pandarano’, is located at the foot of Mount Partenio and borders Irpinia.

Tombs from the Samnite period found in the area attest to human presence as early as the 4th century BC, while other archaeological findings date back to Roman times. The settlement developed in the late Middle Ages.

The feud belonged to Bartolomeo da Montesarchio and passed into the possession of the De Cuneo, Della Leonessa, Marziale and Caracciolo families, who owned it until the feudal rights were abandoned in 1806. It belonged to the province of Principato Ultra and became part of the province of Benevento after the Unification of Italy.

After 1861, Pannarano was hit by the phenomenon of brigandage, which affected many villages in the Caudina Valley.

Today, the population is around 2100 inhabitants and local production consists mainly of wine. Interesting from a naturalistic point of view, the area includes the ‘Acqua delle vene’ locality of the WWF oasis of Montagna di Sopra. Excursions can be organised in this area.

How to get to Pannarano ?

From Pescara: take the A14 motorway, exit Montenero di Bisaccia. Continue in direction of Trivento/Campobasso, take the Fondo Valle del Biferno and follow towards Benevento. Then follow the signs for Contrada Caraccioli and Pannarano.

From Rome: take the A1 motorway, continue in direction of Caserta Sud/Marcianise and exit at Caserta Sud Marcianise. Then follow directions for Pannarano.

From Naples – Caserta: take the A1 motorway, exit Caserta Sud-Maddaloni. Then continue on the State Road 7 Appia in direction of Benevento. Once you have passed the town of Arpaia, follow in direction of Paolisi, San Martino Valle Caudina and Pannarano.

From Salerno – Avellino: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Then follow the state road 7 Appia (in direction of Montesarchio – Caserta) and in direction of Pannarano.

From Bari: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Thereafter, follow Strada Statale 7 Appia (in direction of Montesarchio – Caserta) and in direction of Pannarano.


What do to in Pannarano

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