San Bartolomeo in Galdo

Discover the municipality of San Bartolomeo in Galdo

The town of San Bartolomeo in Galdo is located at 58 km of Benevento and is located at an altitude of 585 meters.

San Bartolomeo in Galdo is one of the most important centres in the province of Benevento. It is located on the border with Puglia and Molise, on a hill full of vineyards, olive groves and orchards.

The name of the municipality refers to the apostle St Bartholomew, whose cult was spread by the Lombard prince Sicardo da Cremona bringing the saint’s relics stolen from the Saracens on the island of Lipari.

Its history begins in the late Middle Ages, although some archaeological findings indicate that it has been inhabited since ancient times.
In its centre, one can admire some important stately and religious buildings, which were commissioned by the bishop of the diocese of Voltura who chose San Bartolomeo as his summer residence.

In 1253, the centre was sacked and abandoned by its inhabitants during a famous battle between the Saracen and Papal armies. Later, the Angevins allocated funds for reconstruction and, over the years, its land was owned by the Benedictines of the monastery of Santa Maria di Gualdo di Mazzocca.

The local economy consists of:

  • Agriculture; the main products are cereals, grapes, olives, fruit, vegetables and tobacco. In addition, several farms are involved in sheep, pig and poultry breeding.
  • Trade; commercial activities constituted a point of reference for neighbouring municipalities. Unfortunately, after the 2000s, commercial activities declined slightly, decreasing the attractiveness of the neighbouring villages.
  • Industrial activity; developed in the late 1970s, the municipality became the largest industrial zone in the Fortore area. The most developed sectors are textiles, plastic packaging, paint, wooden and aluminium fixtures, concrete and glass.

How to get to San Bartolomeo in Galdo ?

From Pescara: take the A14 motorway, exit Termoli. Continue to Boiano – Benevento, take Strada Statale 212 (Fortorina) to San Marco dei Cavoti. Then continue on Strada Statale 369 to Foiano Valfortore and then to San Bartolomeo in Galdo.

From Rome: take the A1 motorway, exit at Caianello and continue in direction of Benevento. Take Strada Statale 212 (Fortorina) to San Marco dei Cavoti. Then continue on Strada Statale 369 to Foiano Valfortore and then towards San Bartolomeo in Galdo.

From Naples – Caserta: take the A1 motorway, exit Caserta Sud-Maddaloni, then Montesarchio and Benevento. Take Strada Statale 212 (Fortorina) to San Marco dei Cavoti. Then continue on Strada Statale 369 to Foiano Valfortore and then towards San Bartolomeo in Galdo.

From Salerno – Avellino: Take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Go all the way along the motorway, take Strada Statale 212 (Fortorina) to San Marco dei Cavoti. Then continue on Strada Statale 369 to Foiano Valfortore and then to San Bartolomeo in Galdo.

From Bari: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Continue along the motorway link road, take Strada Statale 212 (Fortorina) to San Marco dei Cavoti. Then continue on Strada Statale 369 to Foiano Valfortore and then to San Bartolomeo in Galdo.


  • Phone : 08248244111
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