
Discover the municipality of Sassinoro

The town of Sassinoro is located at 35 km of Benevento and is located at an altitude of 569 meters.

The municipality lies on the side of Mount Rotondo, in the Tammaro valley.

The village has Samnite origins and was an inhabited centre in Roman times, as reported by various archaeological findings.
The town developed its urban centre especially during the Lombard period, thus linking its name to a colony of Saxons.

Originally belonging to the monastery of St. Sophia in the 11th century, it was severely damaged by earthquakes in 1456 and 1805. The current core of the old town was developed after the 1805 earthquake.

In 1566, ownership of the territory passed from the monastery of St Sophia to the Carafa family. In 1608 it was acquired by the Allegretti family, in 1651 it became the property of the Mazzacane family of Cerreto Sannita, and finally in 1776 it passed to the Mondelli family.
Following the abandonment of the feudal system, it was aggregated to the county of Molise and then incorporated into the province of Benevento after the Unification of Italy.

Today, the municipality has about 600 inhabitants and is a destination for religious tourism.
Sassinoro is known for the Sanctuary of Santa Lucia and the cult of Saint Michael Archangel, to whom the Archpriest’s Church is dedicated.

How to get to Sassinoro ?

From Pescara: take the A14 motorway, exit at Termoli and continue in direction of Boiano-Benevento (Strada Statale n. 88), exit at Sassinoro.

From Rome: take the A1 motorway, exit at Caianello and continue in direction of Benevento, follow Strada Statale n. 88 towards Campobasso and exit at Sassinoro.

From Naples – Caserta: take the A1 motorway, exit Caserta Sud-Maddaloni, then Montesarchio and Benevento. Pass Benevento, take the road towards Campobasso (Strada Statale n. 88) and exit at Sassinoro.

From Salerno – Avellino: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Drive along the motorway connection, pass Benevento and take direction Campobasso (Strada Statale n. 88). Exit Sassinoro.

From Bari: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. Drive along the entire motorway junction, pass Benevento and take the direction for Campobasso (Strada Statale n. 88). Exit Sassinoro.


What do to in Sassinoro

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