
Discover the municipality of Apice

The town of Apice is located at 18 km of Benevento and is located at an altitude of 225 meters.

Archaeological discoveries may prove that settlements existed as early as Roman times, but certain information on urban sites dates back to the 12th century.

For centuries, it was an important strategic centre of the city of Benevento, given its close proximity to this city.

Testifying the strategic and military importance of Apice, during the Norman period, is the castle. The latter has undergone numerous renovations after earthquakes over the centuries.

The catastrophic earthquake of 1962 almost completely destroyed this ancient feudal village, causing the entire town to move to the opposite hill from the old settlement.

The ancient village is now being rebuilt through urban and cultural recovery.

Today, the population of Apice is around 5600 inhabitants and has a used agricultural area of 2900 hectares.

How to get to Apice ?

From Pescara: take the A14 motorway, exit Termoli and continue in the direction of Boiano – Benevento. Take the ring road exit towards Benevento centre and follow Apice’s direction.

From Rome: take the A1 motorway, exit Caianello and continue in the direction of Benevento. Take the ring road exit towards Benevento centre and follow Apice’s direction.

From Naples – Caserta: take the A1 motorway, exit Caserta Sud-Maddaloni. Follow signs to Montesarchio, take the exit Benevento centro and Apice.

From Salerno – Avellino: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. After a few metres, take the first exit on the right and follow Apice’s direction.

From Bari: take the A16 motorway, exit Benevento. After a few metres, take the first exit on the right and follow Apice’s direction.


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